
Snappy & Awesome - part 2 of 1 2 3 4



Composition OptionsTwo men and a dog waiting for the lights to change, Kensington Gore

Camera Awesome adds an exciting array of specification to the picture-taking performance of the iPhone. The easy to follow icons and menu selection on the touch screen proved far simpler to use than I had expected. Drop-down (and pull up) menu bars at the top and bottom of the screen provided options to aid composition, such as a thirds grid and an electronic horizon gauge to keep those horizontals truly level - all at the touch of a fingertip. There is also a choice of preset special effects, an image stabilization mode, shooting burst modes and self-timer.

Social media isn't forgotten either - the iPhone is the most popular camera used by Flickr, the photo-sharing website - and images can be quickly uploaded to Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, Instagram and SmugMug's own domain, as well as Flickr.


As any Facebook friend knows, what drives those all-important thumbs up 'Likes' is a constant supply of fresh image uploads. I put this to the test with a quick snap of two statuesque black-suited men with a small dog on a leash, waiting at a pedestrian crossing. Within minutes I had uploaded the image via Camera Awesome to my Facebook page and a few minutes later the first likes and comments were duly posted. Okay, it has always been possible to upload images from your iPhone to Facebook, but it proved a quicker undertaking with the Camera Awesome app.

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last update 21/07/2022 08:49:43

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