by Steve Allen Published 01/04/2017
Most ‘travel' sales are used by the 'Travel Industry' – ‘may seem fairly obvious! They may be travel companies, tour companies, travel magazines, TV programmes (using both stills and short video clips), guide books, textbooks and web use, etc.
Almost all the images used by the travel industry are 'ASPIRATIONAL' - images designed to make you want to drop everything and go there. Probably 90% of all travel sales are of this type of imagery.
Strong, gritty, real-life, photo-journalistic images of places around the globe also have a good market too, but almost all my work is aspirational imagery
Close up of a Zebra (Equus quagga) in the Savuti region of Botswana
So – what’s involved in producing good, strong travel images that will sell?
Firstly, your image must shout QUALITY at the top of its voice. It must show the location, buildings, landscape, local people, or whatever, in a way that says 'I want to go there'!
Unusual angles, great lighting, vibrant colours, and local people with character, will all increase your chances. A buyer will scan over a search results page quite quickly, often pulling images 'that catch the eye' into a lightbox, before making a final selection from these. Your images need to jump off the page, and hopefully into the buyer’s lightbox!
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