Nadin Gonder-Calladine Travel & Tourism Photographer Guildford Surrey

SurreySITTP Member

Saturday 5th October 2024  


sittp member Nadin Gonder-Calladine


Nadin Gonder-Calladine
Photography by Nadina Bee

web address:-
facebook:- Photography by Nadina Bee

The Outdoor Photographer from Surrey.

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY: Looking for the illusive outdoor wedding photographer who not only rocks up with a smile come rain or shine, but also spares you the customary hours of posed photos? Congratulations, your quest has been successful! Nadina is that photographer. Specialising in outdoor photography, she totally gets that what you really want to do is party with your guests. That’s why she focuses on documenting all the cool, fun and magical moments that happen while you are having a good time…in wellies and rain mac if necessary!

DOG PHOTOGRAPHAY: Action-Packed Photo Shoots for Dogs Who Don’t Sit Still. Looking for a photo shoot with a bit of action and a lot of fun, for something that documents your life together and your bond in professional photos, or maybe your dog just doesn’t sit still (like: ever), then Nadina’s dog photo shoots are for you. No posing, just lots of fun and great, natural photos.

an example of the images created by Nadin Gonder-Calladine

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